FAMOUS ARTIST Silvia Elisabeth Csaszar
Du wirst niemals den Ozean überqueren, wenn du Angst hast das Ufer aus den Augen zu verlieren.
A white canvas releases the urge in me to make something out of it. Mostly the result is not predictable.
Although there was once a plan, it changes constantly and at some point, the painting is finished.
I have great respect for artists who have made painting and design their life purpose and thus their vocation their profession.
I don’t have this courage and I didn’t attend any art school.
But for some reason I think of my father with his everlasting Italian serenity and his words to me: „Silvia, ci sono persone che riconoscono qualcosa nelle tue, diciamo, strane creazioni „… (Silvia, there are people who recognize something in your, let’s say, strange creations) I have to laugh out loud inside and that feels good.